This programme has been put together to provide the best in PSHE and SRE provision for the students at St Peter’s Centre.  The programme meets all of the compulsory aspects of the new SRE curriculum as well as delivering an engaging and relevant PSHE programme.   The programme is informed by using contextual information looking at local as well as school trends in behaviour, attitudes, and lifestyles.  This includes data that highlights the most important contextual factors locally for our students such as data on child and maternal health trends, data on surveys of sexual attitudes and lifestyles as well as local youth crime and safeguarding trends.  This means that issues that affect our students locally have been prioritised in the programme.  In addition, the programme has importantly been informed by the voice of the students themselves, by way of an initial survey when they join to ascertain significant gaps in knowledge as well as areas students feel they need to cover.  As our students are dual registered at St Peter’s Centre they come with varying degrees of knowledge and some significant gaps.  Many students have not received any PSHE or RSE education for 18 months or more.  The programme is bespoke to each group of students and each cohort will benefit from a sequence of learning based on prior learning and potential gaps.  The programme sequences knowledge over time, spiralling, re-visiting and building upon knowledge from the three main themes across Key Stage 3 and 4.  From our main curriculum, based on clear assessment of gaps and evaluating student need, a bespoke and personalised programme is collated to address areas of greatest need, sequence, gap and student self-evaluations to attempt to rapidly ensure students build knowledge and understanding.

Curriculum Intent

Our knowledge-rich curriculum will inspire students to become well-rounded individuals who can develop into assertive adults by playing a positive and successful role in society. Our intention is to provide our students with the tools they need to navigate the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in the community, Modern Britain and the Global community.  They will develop an understanding of how our personal and social development forms our sense of identity and place in the world, and through studying a range of moral and social issues will become more empathetic and open-minded young people.  Our teaching will ensure students are able to consider a range of perspectives on relationships, both personal and sexual and develop the ability to make balanced arguments and well sustained judgements and decisions. The curriculum will be driven by a focus on  positive mental health, sexual health and healthy relationships.  In equal measure that focus will be on respect and understanding of those people with protected characteristics as well as digital safety and well-being.

Context and Assessing Need (making sure the programme is right for the cohort)

The most important aspect of this PSHE and RSE programme is that it is tailored to the needs of the students at St Peter’s Centre.  The programme is informed by where students are now, and targets where they need to be.  It has been informed by national trends and local health and social data which has informed the greatest need.  It has also been informed by student voice and need, forming an integral focus of content.  This has been achieved by student questionnaires and focus groups.  We provide a bespoke approach to PSHE and RSE ensuring our students leave with the tools they need to navigate life.

PSHE and RSE Programme

Personal Development and Non-Core Subjects

KS3 Personal Development and Non-Core Subjects

KS4 Personal Development and Non-Core Subjects